Our Diversity, 股本 and Inclusion Mission
Guthrie’s mission of helping everyone in our communities attain optimal, 终身健康和福祉指导我们通过为所有工作人员提供公平待遇,确保一个尊重和重视多样性的环境, 学习, and receive care here. 随着我们所服务的社区的文化景观不断发展,我们已经重新致力于增加这些努力.
We are actively working towards ensuring that diversity, equity and inclusion are a part of everything we do at Guthrie. 虽然我们认识到这是一段需要时间的旅程,但我们将致力于此.
We treat all patients with warmth, 尊重和尊严,提供必要和适当的照顾. We do not discriminate in the care or services that we provide. 具体地说, we do not discriminate based upon 教育, 年龄, 性, 性别, 残疾, 比赛, color, 宗教, income or who will pay their bill, 性别 identity or expression, affectional or 性ual orientation, national origin or ancestry, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, veteran status, 文化, 语言, or any other basis prohibited by law. 紧急临床护理是基于确定的患者卫生保健需求, not on patient’s ability to pay, or organizational needs.
病人 are treated in a manner that preserves their dignity, 自治, 自尊, 公民权利, and involvement in their own care. 同情和关怀是我们对所服务社区的承诺的一部分. We strive to provide health 教育, health promotion, 疾病预防项目是我们努力提高病人和社区生活质量的一部分.
- 病人 -认识和解决在世界博彩公司十大排名接受治疗的代表性不足的群体所经历的临床结果差异.
- 护理人员 – Have a defined, 世界博彩公司十大排名看护者对世界博彩公司十大排名价值观的明确和理解的方法, celebrates and lever年龄s diversity in our organization. 点击这里 to see Guthrie’s 病人护理 expectation for caregivers.
- 社区 -确定我们服务区域中代表性不足的群体在获得护理方面可能遇到差距/障碍的领域.
我们正在努力工作,以确保世界博彩公司十大排名为每个人提供卓越的临床服务和同情心, 每一次. If you have a suggestion on how we can best achieve this, or if you have a question, comment or concern, please email the Guthrie Diversity, 股本 and Inclusion Committee at Diversity股本Inclusion@charityhemp.net.
Some recent initiatives of the committee include:
我们现在为所有护理人员提供机会,通过佩戴下图中的按钮来展示他们的代词, should they choose to do so. 代词肯定了性别身份,并通过以他们觉得最准确的方式指代人们,创造了安全空间.
世界博彩公司十大排名最近更新了政策,在公共区域为病人和访客提供所有性别厕所, 允许个人使用符合其性别认同的洗手间.
What do diversity and inclusion refer to?
他们指的是通过尊重和欣赏使人们与众不同的东西来赋予他们力量, in terms of 年龄, 性别, 种族, 宗教, 残疾, 性ual orientation, 教育, and national origin.
What is Health 股本?
Why is Health 股本 important?
公平的卫生保健导致整体上更有效的卫生保健系统, as a healthier population requires less medical care. 这意味着更少的医生访问,每个病人更少的医疗保健支出,以及更好的健康结果.
Additional Resources
- The Trevor Project
- 1-866-488-7386
- Chat: Text “START” to 678-678
- Human Right's Campaign Foundation
- The Fenway Institute
- Penn 状态 DEI Journey
- 全国有色人种协进会
Health Education
- Guthrie HIV Testing and Prevention
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Social Determinants of Health
- Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials
- Racial and Ethnic Health Care Disparities
- 凯泽家庭基金会:按种族和族裔分列的健康和保健关键数据
- Healthy People 2030: Langu年龄 and Literacy
- 国家 Institutes of Health: Health Literacy
世界博彩公司十大排名颂扬了历史上许多对医学做出重大贡献的女性,她们为150多名女医生和264名女性高级实践提供者(app)铺平了道路,目前在世界博彩公司十大排名做出了有意义的改变. These historical women of medicine were faced with discrimination, 偏见, and other challenges, but persevered to become pioneers in the medical field, making contributions to modern nursing, cancer treatments, and enhanced ethical practices and standards. 在世界博彩公司十大排名, 妇女医学小组积极庆祝和支持女医生和app的成就, 为越来越多进入该领域的妇女改善工作场所,并鼓励年轻妇女考虑从事医学事业. 世界博彩公司十大排名雇佣了近5000名女性护理人员,其中许多人还担任领导职务.
The Guthrie Clinic joins the nation in celebrating Black 历史 Month. 我们在世界博彩公司十大排名的使命指导我们确保一个尊重和重视多样性的环境, providing equitable treatment to all who work, 学习 and receive care here. Over the past year, Guthrie’s Diversity, 股本, 包容委员会一直致力于缩小差距,以照顾我们服务不足的人口, creating healthier communities. 黑人历史月是一个特别强调获得医疗保健和改善健康的机会, 以及庆祝为我们社区服务的非裔美国医疗保健专业人员的贡献.
今年6月, Guthrie celebrates 骄傲月 in recognition of our LGBTQ+ patients, caregivers and community members. 我们还纪念历史上勇敢地倡导所有人的尊严和平等的LGBTQ+人士.